Video: Approx. 58 Min.
This guide is designed to enhance hand strength, dexterity, coordination and finger independence.
Produced in 2008, this video is the encyclopedia of hand movements that offers a total of 15 Exercise Sections which are Level Coded 1-5 for ease of use. These different sections demonstrate almost all natural finger motions broken down into single, double, and triple isolation movements and then more complex movements for a real challenge. The exercises are ideal for use as warm-ups or short breaks in the workplace to enhance and maintain limberness and coordination. This video also includes an introduction from Meg Robinson, Certified Hand Therapist, that will help explain the benefits of the Finger Fitness exercises and how to use them and two new Dazzling Digital Dances performed by Greg Irwin!
The 5 Levels of Difficulty and 15 Exercises included in The Advanced Finger Fitness Guide are:
5 Levels of Difficulty:
Level 1 - No Isolation - All fingers
Level 2 - Single Isolations and Double Isolations using fingers 1&2, than fingers 3&4
Level 3 - Double Isolations using fingers 1&4, than fingers 2&3
Level 4 - Combinations / Opposites / Shuffling / Cross Throughs
Level 5 - Advanced Finger Exercises
The 15 Finger Fitness Exercises:
1. Warm Ups
2. Routine of Four
3. Bends
4. Fold
5. Tap
6. Push
7. Spin
8. Split
9. Combinations
10. Opposites
11. Cross Overs
12. Shuffling
13. Routine of Seven - Easy to Review Routine
14. CrossThrus
15. Advanced MovesEnhance hand strength, limberness, coordination, finger independence and fine motor response. Exercises you can do anywhere, any time!
Finger Fitness is truly an exciting new way to improve the ability of your hands that is both fun and rewarding! Finger Fitness is a series of exercises designed to enhance hand strength, limberness, coordination, finger independence, and fine motor response exercises you can do anywhere, any time. This approach to hand conditioning is a powerful tool for boosting performance in specialized applications, such as playing a musical instrument, typing on a computer or carrying out a delicate surgical procedure.
“The Finger Fitness program if used on a daily basis can help improve hand strength, dexterity, limberness and finger independence” Meg Robinson - Certified Hand Therapist OTR /L CHT
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